Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Visual Language: Look, Think, Draw (30/9/14)

For this task, I was asked to record a set of drawings relating to a variety of prompts; Something from above, unneccessary, walking, architectural, old, organic, unnoticed, held in your hand, that makes you smile, and that you smelt or heard.
To complete this task, I had to exercise my observational drawing skills to quickly record what I was seeing, in a number of locations. 

Leeds University Campus
Ink and brushes.
For this task I used ink and brushes to quickly sketch out observations that I made, including architecture and people walking by. I really like these drawings as I feel that the ink allowed me to express what I saw very quickly. The short timescale spent on each drawing made me record quickly, and I feel that in doing this, I have captured some interesting images.

Leeds Art Gallery (Cafe)
Pencil and Charcoal.
Once again, I attempted to record everything that I could see from where I was sat in the Leeds Art Gallery cafe. As this was a much more relaxed, slow paced environment, I had more time to spend on each drawing, hence why the line quality is alot better.

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