Thursday 19 November 2015

Responsive: Narrative In Advertising + Task

John Lewis - Man On The Moon ad 
Good example of cross platform campaign #manonthemoon

Many of John Lewis' adverts often contain a message that is conveyed through a narrative, with a beginning, middle and end. A formula that is used yearly that has proven to be effective. The use of narrative promotes a reaction, positive or negative, thus making the viewer interact with the brand. 

3 Levels Of Narrative 
Protagonist faces Antagonist
Overcoming Fears
Born Anew 

The storytelling animal - how stories make us human
A book that outlines an argument how stories have real power to hold human attention and shape our thinking. 

Cave Of Forgotten Dreams - W. Herzog 
Ambiguity - starts audience's imagination. Boy foot print and wolf foot print. 

Task - Narrative for your chosen brand?

For my collaborative project, I am really interested in the Desperados brief because of my interest in branding and  advertising. The brief creates a sense of an opportunity to create exciting, lively and fresh work for the target audience of young urbanites. 

- The Desperados brand, after watching various existing advertisements, is quite lively and young, with the tag line of 'break through to the other side'. 
- "Desperados is a unique brand, positioned between beer and spirits", higher than average alcohol content, hints that target audience are people that use drink in order to have a good time. To give the consumer what they need, to fuel them. 
- There is alot of excitement and energy surrounding the brand, a large sense of 'party' is created. 
- The main emotion is excitement.
- Narrative ideas?
A wrestler (keeping to the mexican aesthetic) loses his energy and loses fight, becomes miserable and stops fighting, discovers desperados and drinks one, fights and wins.
Although it may confuse the audience into thinking that it's an energy drink, the message is that the desperados gives him the fuel he needs to pursue what he loves. 

I will look into the desperados brand in greater detail when I start my collaborative process.  

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