Wednesday 5 April 2017

St Wilfrids: Educational Marketing Research

To begin the project I needed to get a view of how Educational marketing works as a whole - What techniques are used to promote an educational establishment? Where is this type of material displayed and viewed? 

These are 3 very typical examples of educational marketing material that I think are very suitable and effective. From just looking at these 3 examples, there are number of techniques I can identify that appear to be employed each in a similar way.

- Use of Language - Very gimmicky, slogan's are effective in terms of conveying personality, humour(?), making the viewer think. Always vague but hint at achieving your potential, and exceeding expectations - something that can be applied to all aspects of the viewers life. 

- Inspiring/motivational imagery - Shows it's audience what could be possible if they attend this establishment. Often do to with achieving goals in educational, vocational and leisure(?) environments - They have identified that this is what the target audience want from their education. Shows the kind of bright-eyed, attractive, straight edge looking students that would go here, further communicating success.

- The colour blue? Especially in these 3 examples, there are clear similarities in colour scheme - from researching I have found that blue "exhibits an inner security and confidence", "order and direction", "it inspires higher ideals".
Colour theory is something that is utilised very effectively in marketing, so it is clear to see why blue is used, as it communicates ideal qualities that someone would want from their education.

From looking at these examples I have a clear idea of what is expected from an educational marketing campaign. Although I have yet to find a purely illustrated/design based example, I feel that this genre will be interesting to explore in a design context, taking inspiration from the techniques displayed above. 

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